Saturday, December 15, 2012

Code of Ethics

Three codes that is meaningful to me!

I.1.3  To recognize and respect the unique qualities, abilities, and potential of each child.

I think this is very important because each child is special in their own way and we should nurture the abilities and qualities that we see. Identifying the smallest thing in a child and praising and assuring them that they can be great and do whatever their heart desires is important. Being a positive role model and being there for children is important and it shows them that you care and will be there for them.
I.1.5 To create and maintain safe and healthy settings that foster childrens social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development and that respect their dignity and their contributions.

Providing an environment that promotes these areas of development is crucial for the growth and development of children. In the preschool settings that I have worked we plan our activities that touch on all these areas of development and more. The activities are planned with the children in mind and according to their abilities. We do that so they can accomplish the task and feel good about what they have done. We also display any contributions the children have made and they feel good about their work being displayed in the classroom. Also maintaining a safe and healthy setting is always done.

I.1.10 To ensure that each childs culture, language, ethnicity, and family structure are recognized and valued in the program.

The diversity of our classrooms is changing and it is important that each individual is recognized and valued. We celebrate and learn about the different cultures that are represented in our class. We allow families to come in a share information and an activity with us to learn more about their culture and how they live. I feel it makes the families feel valued and feel as if they are important and cared about.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Resources!!! This is a site I use for resources and ideas in the classroom. It has resources and activites from early childhood to high school. I have used it to get activties for my children at home to assist them with their school work. I love this site and I have used it with my children as well as recommnended it to parents and they love it. It will assist children with letter recognition as well as reading skills. This is a website for teachers and parents.

Resources for Early Childhood

Part 1: Position Statements and Influential Practices

Part 2: Global Support for Children's Rights and Well-Being

Note: Explore the resources in Parts 3 and 4 in preparation for this week's Application assignment.

Part 3: Selected Early Childhood Organizations

Part 4: Selected Professional Journals Available in the Walden Library

Tip: Use the A-to-Z e-journal list to search for specific journal titles. (Go to "How Do I...?", select "Tips for Specific Formats and Resources," and then "e-journals" to find this search interface.)

  • YC Young Children
  • Childhood
  • Journal of Child & Family Studies
  • Child Study Journal
  • Multicultural Education
  • Early Childhood Education Journal
  • Journal of Early Childhood Research
  • International Journal of Early Childhood
  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly
  • Developmental Psychology
  • Social Studies
  • Maternal & Child Health Journal
  • International Journal of Early Years Education

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Personal Childhood Web (Sisters)

Sisters are great!!!!!
My sisters were always great listeners.  They were older than me and I saw them work hard and raise their families. I looked up to them. When we are together we go shopping, we cook together, and we vacation together. They have taught me the importance of family and holding on to long strong relationships. Family is important and I love them. 

Personal Childhood Web (Dad)

Dad Holding Daughters Hand clip art hight1 232x300 Information for mums, dads and carers. 
Dad and me!!! I miss you!!
  • My father was a great  provider, hard worker, great cook, and very humble
  • My father did every thing to the best of his ability and he said to never rush to take your time, especially when we were learning how to cook are do things on our farm. It was great growing up in the south. I really appreciate nature and think every child should experience it
  • Today when I'm in a hurry I remember what my father taught me to slow down and take my time.

Rolanda's Personal Childhood Web (Mom)

  • My mother influenced me to be a hard worker, great cook, and always help others when they are in need
  • She was very strict and made sure we did well in school, kept a clean house, and stressed the importance of good hygiene 
  • She was very nurturing always involved in everything we did. I participated in a lot of pageants, clubs,and church. She always encouraged me and she still does, to be the best I can be in whatever I do.  
  • As a mother of three I encourage my sons to be the best they can be and instill good values and morals into them.  I want them to grow up to be hardworking men and be able to cook, clean and accomplish any goal that they set.  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Favorite Book!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
I love this book because it teaches so many lessons like math (counting),
the metamorphosis of the caterpillar, and eating healthy to name a few.


Favorite Quotes

"Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future."

Author: John F. Kennedy
Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons. ~Author Unknown
Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!”
Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

These are great quotes because children are valuable resources and as educators we aim to instill great values and morals and enhance their knowledge academically so that they will go out and be the best they can be in the future. Childhood to me is innocence and children don't have all the worries as adults so i agree with this quote its the most beautiful of all seasons.
Dr.Seuss has written several great books and this quote reminds me of all that I was taught by my teachers and upon graduation it was my time to go out in the world an be the best and we want the same for the children we teach. 




Saturday, November 3, 2012

First Time Blog!!!!!!!!!

Hello Everyone
     This is my first time creating a blog! Looking forward to all the wonderful information that it will provide.Send me a message if you get this.