Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mental Health and our Families!!!

Mental Health is very important and when a woman haves a child she experiences many emotiona and feelings and her body goes through many changes. Its important I feel that the husband and family are aware of these things. I was very happy to find out I was pregnant with all my children, but I realized that situations in your life will have you very emotional and for most woment post pardum depression results. I had that after each of my births. It wanst a good feeling but with my first son I was surrounded by a lot family. My second and third son was born in NY and I had no family there but my husband and he really didnt understand how I was feeling. I realized being around family and people who understand what women go through is important plus you will have the support you need while getting adjusted to a new baby.
I read an article about families in Africa. Most families south of the Sahara were very poor. It was interesting to know that mental health comes last. Most of the African countries have no mental health policies, programs, or action plans.
I must say that I am blessed to be in the United States where we have the programs and the help we need when dealing with mental health. It affects the family as a whole and the child. Mental Health is serious and when we are dealing with these issues we need to seek help.  As an educator if we know mothers, fathers, or families dealing with these issues we need to refer them to the proper help. Most schools have resources to help familes with mental health and other issues. We can definitely help families and educate them with information they need.


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