Saturday, February 2, 2013

Consequences of Stress on Children's Development

As a child I felt I had a pretty good life. I was living with my mom and dad and siblings and we did a lot, as a family. I do remember abuse that I use to witness. My parents began to fight a lot and as a child I did not understand it, because they would physically fight and I would be so afraid. I remember me and my sister and brother screaming and crying telling them to stop, but they didn't. On school days it was the worst because we would wake up to this and had to go to school. I never told anyone I would just wipe my tears before the bus came and go to school. In school I never could concentrate because I wondered if they killed one another. But when I got home my mother would be there, she usually didn't go to work that day, and a day later my parents were back talking to each other. This was devastating as a child because I kept it in and just could not wait until I graduated. I put a lot of focus on my school work and was in a lot of extra curricular activities which kept me focused. As an adult I have to think about these things and i see how it have affected me in some kind of way. I often wonder and think about how life repeats it self due to what you experience as a child. I do my best at handling things differently whether its going to counseling and finding a friend whom I trust to confide in about my life as it is today. These things affected me emotionally and socially.

There are so many stressors that can affect children's development. I mentioned abuse and I will speak about hunger in the Philippines. Hunger affects a lot of people and in the Philippines food is plentiful but most people are living in poverty and do not have the money to provide food for their families. In the on line article it said, "Children are the ones most marginalized by this situation, and it all starts in the womb. A pregnant woman who is not getting enough of the nutrients that her body needs naturally gives birth to a baby with a weakened body. As the child grows older, the lack of nutrition available in his or her diet further affects the growth and development of his or her body."

There will always be stressors that will affect our lives, but if we can make someone else's life a bit easier by lending a helping hand then take that opportunity to do so, because you never know when it will be you that need help from someone. If you know of resources that can help someone provide them with that information to help them. No matter if it hunger, abuse, or poverty.

Article Source:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rolanda,
    I'm sorry you and your siblings had to endure the pain of watching and hearing your parents fight. That is so emotional. As a child I know it had to be difficult, especially not knowing if they were gonna be alright when you arrived home from school. I'm glad you and your siblings survived this ordeal.

    It's sad the people in the Phillipines don't have enough money to by food for proper nutriton. For a child to be born with weak bodies is just tragic. Chiuldren don't ask to be brought here. It is the parents responsibility to ensure their children are properly cared for. Thanks for sharing.

